Monday, October 10, 2016

Creature from the Autumnal Lagoon

WARNING! Painfully seasonal nails are ahead. There will be leaves. There will be trendy dark greens and muted neutrals. There will be organic granny smith apples. Then suddenly a creature will appear from a black lagoon and eat you!

My Colors


(from left to right) Black Sketch by Milani, Delight by Chanel, Fishnet Stockings by Essie, Yara by Zoya, Jana by Zoya, Jancyn by Zoya and Avery by Zoya.

First, I painted my nails gold.

Then I added leaves. I painted my leaves in all different colors! Drawing a leaf, was like drawing a short, fat, Christmas tree. Here are two of my leaves. Let's watch them grow!

Next, I outlined my leaves in black.

Then I added the leaf veins and a little leaf stem.

Get ready for some super effing autumnal pictures of my fall nails.

Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) 

Here's everything you need to know about Creature from the Black Lagoon.

1. Everyone's hat game is on point.

2. It's surprisingly respectful towards women.

I went into Creature from the Black Lagoon ready to write about the film's horrible sexism. I mean, just look at the movie poster.

Get at me weak female characters who are nothing but sex objects. When the monster comes, you aren't going to do anything productive, like fight it or run away. No! Instead, you'll lie on the ground, screaming until a strong man arrives to save you.

I was so wrong! Creature from the Black Lagoon is about a geology expedition that goes to the Amazon to uncover fossils and then realizes that said fossils belong to a creature that wants to eat them. Yay! The lead female character, Kay, is super badass! She drives boats in the rainforest, she is very knowledgeable about science and she's a respected member of her team. One of her co-workers actually congratulates her for her 'valuable research'. You go girl!

3. BUT it's not totally #socialjustice.

Kay is on a team with four dudes: David, Mark, Carl and Edwin. Oh sorry, I meant Dr. David, Dr. Carl, Dr. Mark and Dr. Edwin. Obviously, ladies can't be doctors.

Furthermore, all the "doctors" in this movie are macho idiots. They are far more focused on killing the monster than doing the scientific work that they were sent to the Amazon to accomplish. At one point Dr. David and Dr. Mark fist fight each other for the chance to jump into the water and murder the creature. While Kay is categorizing fossils and doing actual science, the "doctors" are smoking pipes and being super hype about getting into their little swim trunks and shooting some underwater arrows. And I'm supposed to believe that these dudes deserve PhDs?

4. There's super silly 'the monster is coming' music.

This theme song is played every time the monster appears (this ends up being around 130 times according to film scholar, David Schecter).

5. The technology is very 1950s and very precious.

Want to see a big, silly apparatus? Check out this very practical underwater camera.