Monday, March 19, 2012

Jack the Dripper

This week I'm watching Dead Ringers and doing Jackson Pollock inspired nails. 

Jackson Pollock was an abstract painter in the 1940s and 50s. He was a pretty manly dude. He used to throw his canvas on the dirty ground and stalk around it splattering paint everywhere. Sometimes he accidentally dropped a cigarette or a nail onto his painting. Sometimes he stepped on it but whatever he was a manly dude, he didn't care.

Jackson Pollock, Number 8, 1949

Sorry but I discovered Cat Effects this week so naturally I created... CATson Pollock


Jackson Pollock broin' out with his paintbrush

My Colors

(from left to right) Avery by Zoya, Lightening by Sally Hansen, Suzi Takes The Wheel by OPI, Don't Tell Mama by Deborah Lippmann, Yara by Zoya & Tasmanian Devil Made Me Do It by OPI

First paint your nails with Yara.

Yara by Zoya

Wow this color is ugly. I'm so into it!

In order to do the splatter effect you will need a few thin straws. I found mine at Williams Cafe because it is the best cafe in the world, duh.

WARNING: Nail polish is going to get everywhere.
1. Prepare OCD brain for the mess that is about to happen
2. Put down newspaper
3. Put masking tape around your nails

Splatter time! Put a single drop of nail polish into the straw. The nail polish should block up the hole in the straw. Then hold the straw about 3 inches from your nail and blow. 

I started by splattering Suzi Takes The Wheel onto all my nails and went in the following order:

Suzi Takes The Wheel by OPI

Lightening by Sally Hansen

Don't Tell Mama by Deborah Lippmann

Avery by Zoya

 Tasmanian Devil Made Me Do It by OPI

Take off the tape, put on a top coat and you're done! PS this took a long time to dry since there are literally globs of paint on my nails.
OCD brain I know you're upset that nail polish got all over my hands but it's all good! 
After your nails dry just run your hands under some warm water and use a wash cloth to get the polish off your skin. It will come off really easily!

Dead Ringers Time!

Dead Ringers is a pretty strange movie. It was made in the 80s and in no way trying to hide it!

Yeah this mullet happened

Dead Ringers is about brilliant scientist twin brothers (Beverly and Elliot Mantle) who are famous gynecologists. They are all about having sex, inventing weird gynecological tools and attending fancy award ceremonies. They often switch places and get with the other twin's sex partner (disturbing). Also the film is constantly suggesting sexual tension between the twin brothers (way more disturbing). Like this weird twin sandwich dance sequence that happens.

Great sweater though am I right?

Dead Ringers makes some interesting comments about gender and the relationship between women and doctors. The doctoral profession is dominated by men. Even gynecology, a field devoted to women's bodies, is dominated by males. Women who are infertile go to the Mantle twins with their problems and the men "fix" them. These women have no control over their own bodies while men poke, prod and peer inside of them. Secondly, it is interesting to see how the Mantle twins view their female patients. Beverly Mantle calls his infertile patients, mutant women. The Mantle twins invent a gynecological instrument that cannot be used on living women, only cadavers. Beverly starts to use the tool on live women and invents other very painful looking gynecological tools (Dear lady friends: if you watch this film you may never want to go to a male gynecologist again). Beverly doesn't care about the discomfort and death he may cause his patients by using these tools. He just wants to get his scientific work done. The woman is simply a body in his science experiment.

Furthermore, the relationship between the twins shows clear gender roles. Elliot is the "male". He is the dominant one. He accepts the awards, writes the books, and gets the women with the weird 80's hair cuts into bed. Beverly is the "female". First of all, look at his name. His mother named him Beverly (what??). Beverly is the submissive one. He stays in the lab doing research for Elliot's books. When Beverly becomes addicted to drugs he is confined to the home, watching soup operas all day. Furthermore, when Elliot accepts an award at one of the million award ceremonies in the film, Beverly drunkenly stumbles on stage and yells "I slave over the hot snatches and Elliot makes the speeches." Sounds a lot like a housewife's complaint about spending all day slaving over the hot stove. Although Elliot was the dominant twin in the beginning, by the end of the film Beverly claims dominance as he performs a medical experiment on his brother that kills him.