Happy Easter! This Sunday I'm doing Easter-themed nails and watching 28 Days Later.
My Colors
(from left to right) Tasmanian Devil Made Me Do It by OPI, Sparrow Me The Drama by OPI, Black Sketch by Milani, White Canvas by Milani, Blue Print by Milani, Mint Candy Apple by Essie, Pink Parka by Essie & Lightening by Sally Hansen.
First paint your nails with Sparrow Me The Drama
Now it's time for stripes! Stripes are really easy to do when you have a thin brush. I used Milani nail art polish. Look how skinny the brush is!
Oh la la
To do the stripes just paint 3 or 4 vertical lines on each of your nails except the ring finger. Be careful that there isn't too much polish on the brush or your lines will look really globby.
On my left hand ring finger nail I'm going to paint an Easter bunny and on my right hand I'm doing an Easter egg. First it's bunny time.
Childhood bunny rabbit, Cuddly. We used to hop around the yard together. Rest in peace Cuddly. Meow.
My Bunny Colors
(from left to right) Black Sketch by Milani, Tasmanian Devil Made Me Do It by OPI & White Canvas by Milani.
In order to create the bunny, I first drew the little bunny face and ears in white. Although the brush is really thin, it still isn't as precise as the all-mighty toothpick so I used both. I drew a circle with the brush but drew the ears and filled in the bunny face with the toothpick. When using the toothpick don't push down on it too hard. Just gently move the surface of the polish around the nail to fill in your design.
Next up, the eyes! I was able to use the thin brush. Again, make sure that the brush doesn't have crazy amounts of polish on it or balls of nail polish will run down the brush and onto little bunny's face. AHHH!
Bunny mouth! I put some black polish on the toothpick and gently pressed it against my nail like a stamp.
Bunny nose! I put red polish on the toothpick and stamped it against my nail.
Whiskers time! I put black polish on the toothpick and pressed it against my nail like a stamp. Since the toothpick is a straight line, it creates a straight line on your nail.
Lastly, I drew little red lines on the ears using the toothpick.
My Egg Colors
(from left to right) White Canvas by Milani, Blue Print by Milani, Lightening by Sally Hansen, Pink Parka by Essie & Mint Candy Apple by Essie.
I drew the top of the egg using blue. I used a combo of the thin brush and the toothpick. I drew the outline of the egg with the brush but did the scalloped pattern and filled in the design using the toothpick.
Similarly, I painted the bottom of the egg using a combination of toothpick and thin brush.
Next, I did dots on the egg using the toothpick.
My egg was still struggling to look egg-like so I added a strip of green in the middle, using a toothpick to move the polish around.
Now time for even more pictures of my nails amongst flowers!
Quite the opposite of pink stripes, flowers and fluffy bunnies is 28 Days Later, a horrifying post-apocalyptic film about a virus that infects everyone and makes them vomit blood/eat each other. WOHOO!
The Summary
Jim (the hero, weirdly attractive despite spending the entire film covered in blood), has woken up from some sort of month long coma and notices that no one is in the hospital or out on the streets. He wanders around the streets and somehow finds 2 other people who are not infected with the virus, Selena (badass Black woman who carries a knife around at all times and is basically awesome) and Mike (he's going to die in like 3 seconds so he really doesn't matter). Ok so now Mike is dead. Selena and Jim find 2 more uninfected people, Frank (father, super jolly despite the fact that almost everyone is either dead or infected with a virus that makes them eat other people) and Hannah (probably 13 years old, pretty sassy but not in an annoying way).
Selena is like: "We are in a zombie situation here. Hannah and Frank are kind of slow-pokes and they are going to weigh us down, Jim. We should leave them behind." Hannah is like: "You are wrong lady, you need us as much as we need you." <-- evidence of awesome sass. So then they all hop in the car and try to drive to a military refugee camp that they hear about on the radio. This part of the movie is pretty joyful. There's lots of laughing, some Jim and Selena kissing going on, everybody is friends. YAY! Jim even calls Frank 'Dad'. AWWW Then Frank dies. BOO. But Jim, Selena and Hannah finally reach the refugee camp! YAY! Then they figure out that the refugee camp sent out a radio signal for survivors in order to find females for the military men to procreate with. So the military camp basically becomes a rape den. EWW. Then Jim takes his shirt of and kills everyone. YAY! Then he grabs Selena and Hannah and the 3 of them escape to a nice cottage on the countryside. Happy ending!
28 Days Later is pointing out that real life can be horrific. The first scene shows the chimpanzees (who have the virus and will eventually infect all the humans) watching footage of riots in the Middle East. It appears to be real footage of protestors being killed, lit on fire, and beaten. Then the film's story begins about this fake world where zombies eat everyone. It's like the filmmaker is saying, "Look this is a horror film and the crazy stuff I'm about to show you with people bleeding everywhere and eating each other is pretty bad but at least you can sit back in your comfy movie chair and know it's not real. You can stop the film if it gets to scary and never think about it again. But these riots showing people being killed, lit on fire, and beaten really happen." That is what makes 28 Days Later so terrifying, that the whole time you were chillin in your 'this isn't actually a true story' mindset but in parts of the world, it kind of is.